
Liège airport adopts new cargo suite software

Liège airport is taking efficiency, transparency and reliability to the next level with the Nallian for Air Cargo suite.

A powerful data-sharing platform topped by a set of collaborative applications will empower Liège airport and its cargo stakeholders to operate in an integrated way that generates business benefits for all. A data lake will allow the airport to further maximise the value of this shared data, enabling in-depth analysis that will help it to better understand its cargo streams and allow informed decisions.

With annual freight volumes of more than 700,000 tonnes, the Belgian airport is one of the largest cargo stations in Europe. Driven by the ambition to be also one of Europe’s leading airports, Liège airport is launching a cloud-based platform that enables its stakeholders to operate in a more collaborative, integrated way. Single data-entry and secure data-exchange are key in this innovative digitalisation project that does away with traditional, inefficient one-to-one communication and information silos.

Using Nallian’s open data sharing platform, information that is uploaded once can be shared in a secured, controlled way with other parties. A set of collaborative applications enables to capture and share this single version of the truth in a wide range of processes. Liège is starting off with six applications: Slot Booking, Export VAT recovery, Freight Consolidation, E-commerce declaration, Cargo Performance Monitoring and Track & Trace. These have already proven to generate significant benefits in terms of time savings, performance and process predictability in other implementations.

A data lake will be fuelled by information from these applications, allowing the airport to, amongst other things, analyse freight routes in much more detail, using a set of parameters such as freight origin or final destination, commodities, airline, transport mode and so on. Gaining better insights in its cargo streams will allow the airport to make strategic decisions based on real-world information