
New lift for pig transportation

This week Intradco Global introduced a brand new ramp aid: the Pig Lift.

The innovative Intradco Global Pig Lift comprises a custom-converted van which has been modified to enable pigs to transfer from their lorry transport to their crates, at varying heights, without having to navigate any ramps.

Both the front and the back of the Pig Lift can be powered by the touch of the button to ascend and descend, to accurately meet the pigs at the level they are at on their lorry as well as the level of crate on to which they are walking. Without such technology, pigs must walk up and down sometimes steep ramps, which is not only potentially dangerous, but can also prove stressful for them.

The Pig Lift’s debut was on April 27 at Stansted airport, where 1,030 purebred registered breeding pigs were its first passengers.