
FCS uses Dakosy Ramp Control System to cut truck waiting times

Frankfurt Cargo Services (FCS) has implemented Dakosy’s FAIR@Link digital Ramp Control System to reduce truck waiting times.

The slot booking tool optimises the allocation of truck ramps by allowing freight forwarders to digitally reserve ramps for loading and unloading.

Infrastructure can be used more efficiently and it increases the ability for all parties to improve planning and utilisation of resources.

Ramp slots are booked online using the Transport Pre-Announcement (TPA) feature.

Forwarders transmit all necessary data to the Ramp Control System, which automatically checks availability and assigns a ramp at a specific time, avoiding waiting times for drivers and vehicles.

The tool has been tested extensively and is being deployed for imports, with exports to follow in August.

Ulrich Wrage, CEO of Dakosy says: “The participation of FCS in the Ramp Control System is an important milestone. For shippers and forwarders, the application means a standardised booking of time slots in the airport’s Cargo City South. All players will ultimately benefit from the site-wide use of the system through shortened waiting times, greater transparency and optimisation of the cargo handling process.”

Joachim von Winning, Managing Director of Air Cargo Community Frankfurt adds: “We want to further enhance the performance of Frankfurt Airport and continuously improve its framework conditions. Digital networking is a central element in this. The automated allocation of ramps at FCS further accelerates cargo handling in Cargo City South.”