The 155 square-metre facility in the Lufthansa Cargo Center offers twice as much space as before and the warehouse has modern technical equipment, in which a ventilation system with heating and cooling functions offers targeted temperature control.
Vertical window strips on the façade allow for natural lighting, which is optimised by a supporting lighting system.
Specially trained personnel work in the facility and access to the warehouse is monitored by sensitive security technology.
As an Add-on Service, customers can book an individual attendant for their shipment.
Thomas Rohrmeier, Head of Handling Frankfurt at Lufthansa Cargo, says, “The modern ARTcube combines optimal handling processes with the highest security features. This allows us to meet the special requirements of sensitive art objects and offer customised solutions for the storage of fine arts in our hub.”
Constructing the new warehouse is part of Lufthansa Cargo’s LCCevolution infrastructure plan to upgrade the Lufthansa Cargo Center, with work scheduled for completion in 2029.