Passenger to freighter conversion

MRO Japan to convert freighters for EFW

Elbe Flugzeugwerke (EFW) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with MRO Japan to carry out A320/A321P2F conversions.

Wichita university and Erickson Precision to convert A321s

Wichita State University is partnering with Erickson Precision Ventures to offer passenger-to-freighter conversions for Airbus A321s.

AviaAM to redeliver third 737 converted freighter

AviaAM Leasing is expecting to redeliver its third converted freighter later this month as it moves forward with its commitment of having 25 conversions in the next four years.

Mammoth Freighters launches 777 P2F programme

Mammoth Freighters has launched passenger-to-freighter conversion programmes for Boeing 777-200LRs and 777-300ERs, and is targeting FAA approval in the second half of 2023.