Swiss worldcargo

Lorenzo Stoll to leave Swiss WorldCargo

Lorenzo Stoll, Head of Cargo at Swiss International Air Lines is standing down after three years in the role and 11 years with the airline.

Swiss WorldCargo makes Pegasus ULDs available

Swiss WorldCargo and Sonoco ThermoSafe have signed a Global Master Lease Agreement to use Pegasus ULD temperature-controlled containers.

Swiss WorldCargo and World Courier sign SAF partnership

Swiss WorldCargo has signed an agreement with World Courier to use sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).

Swiss WorldCargo joins Cathay Pacific partnership

Swiss WorldCargo has joined the joint business agreement between Lufthansa Cargo and Cathay Pacific to provide customers with more direct connections and flexibility.

Jettainer and Swiss extend partnership

Jettainer has extended its contract for ULD management and maintenance with Swiss International Air Lines for another five years.